Day 5 of “elective Observership Program” for students from Malaysia
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology hosted students from Manipal University College, Malaysia for Elective Observership Program from 19-27th March 2023.
On 24th March 2023, a workshop on “Lasers in Oral Medicine” was organized by the Advanced Stomato-Diagnostician Association under the Dept of Oral Medicine and Radiology. It included a Lecture about the basic principle and applications of Laser followed by a live demonstration of the use of laser for the treatment of peripheral ossifying fibroma. This was followed by hands-on training for the use of laser equipment by the students on a chicken leg and tomatoes to understand the laser incision and ablation procedures.
The resource person for the program was Dr. Manisha Lakhanpal, Prof and Head, Dept of OMR at ITS Dental College, Greater Noida.
The event was graced by Prof Satish Chander Sharma, Director, IQAC, and Dr Omkar Shetty, Dean, Faculty of Dental Sciences.
Overall, the lecture and hands-on training were thoroughly enjoyed by the students.