Faculty of Dental Sciences organized a dental camp at Government Senior Secondary School, Makrola.
The Department of Public Health Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University in
collaboration with SGT Publicity Team organized a dental camp on 2 nd May 2023 (Tuesday)
at Government Senior Secondary School, Makrola.
The dental team took initiative under and was headed by Dr. Shourya Tandon (Associate
Dean and Prof. and Head) along with 2 postgraduate students Dr. Renu (Dept. of
Orthodontics), Dr Anushi (Dept. of Pedodontics) and 6 interns Kamal, Ishan, Mansi, Amit,
Gaurav, Asha. Mr. Rajkumar (Attendant) accompanied us as support staff. Dental checkup of
65 individuals including 28 males and 37 females school children along with their teachers,
was done.
10 individuals were provided basic treatment which included partial oral prophylaxis in the
mobile dental van at the camp site. Positive feedback was obtained from many patients’ post-
treatment. However rigorous cases requiring complex treatment were referred to SGT dental
college. All patients were given referral slips. Even Information, Education &
Communication material in the form of Pamphlets especially in Hindi were displayed on the
Notice Board of School.
Dr. Shourya highlighted the Iimportance of maintaining good and hygienic oral health to all
school children. Ill effects of tobacco were also made aware to all present. The utilization of
the oral health services available at the campus clinics was also described in detail to the
teachers. An oral hygiene kit consisting of a toothpaste, tooth brush and mouthwash was
distributed to the needy population.
All in all, the Principal, Ms. Sonia expressed gratitude for the day long activity and supported
the team’s sustainable efforts towards Oral Health.