SGT Times English News Podcast – 29 January 2022
👉Haryana government eases Covid related restrictions, allows classes in colleges, universities and schools for classes 10 to 12 to reopen, also allows Opening of Cinema Halls, Theatres, Multiplexes With 50 Pc Seating Capacity.
👉SGT University resumes classes in physical mode from February 1
👉 SGT University setting excellent placement records with salary packages as high as 10 lakhs
👉The Faculty of Indian Medical System starts campaign for free distribution of Aush prophylactic drug for Covid
👉SGT University organizes Covid -19 awareness camp at Khera Khurampur village in Gurugram
👉 SGT University students shine in poster-making events held at Rayat Bahra University on the occasion of National Girl Child Day.
👉Workshop on AutoCad by Faculty of Engineering and Technology continues