SGT University doc gives tips on correct use of pulse oxymeters
SGT Times Reporter
Gurugram, January 13
In the wake of the rising cases of coronavirus, people are getting concerned regarding their oxygen level.
Those who unfortunately get infected with the virus have to measure their oxygen levels regularly so that they could get medical aid before it is too late.
Gulam Hussain from SGT Times spoke to Dr. Utkarsh Khandelwal, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine of SGT Medical College and Hospital coming under the SGT University to know about the correct use of pulse oximeter and its functioning.
Asked what is the best oxygen level for a healthy person, Dr. Khandelwal replied that normally the oxygen saturation level of a healthy person should not be less than 95 percent, but if this reading goes down 93 percent continuously for three times, then it is advisable to consult the doctor immediately.
He said that for a healthy person there is no need to panic, but those with heart disease, diabetes and breathing disorders must consult the doctor immediately.
Asked about the ways to measure the oxygen levels correctly, Dr. Khandelwal said that three things should be taken care of while measuring oxygen. Reading can get affected if there is nail paint on nails. The hand should be in a still position and not be moving while the machine takes reading. Warm hands should be used as cooled hands won’t take correct readings.
While signing off, Dr. Khandelwal shared a quotation Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.” And his piece of advice to everyone asking them to follow Covid-19 appropriate behaviour and avoid going into gatherings.