Vasantika Vamana – process that prevents diseases
Dr. Swapnil Auti
Ayurveda not only treats diseases, but also suggests some Panchakarma therapies so that the disease does not arise. One of these therapies is Vasantik Vamana. According to the medical principles of Ayurveda, the root cause of all diseases are three Doshas which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. If they are is in normal condition, they helps in smooth functioning of the body and if they get vitiated, causes diseases. If Kapha becomes vitiated then problems like respiratory diseases, allergies, some skin disorders, obesity, diabetes, hypothyroidism etc. arise.
If we study our body throughout the year, then it is clear that the vitiation of Kapha occurs in the spring season. The spring season normally starts from the end of February and lasts till April. If we somehow remove the Kapha accumulated in the body during this season, then we can get protection from Kapha disorders throughout the year. Vamana karma is used in Ayurveda for this purpose. And due to doing it in the spring season, it is known as Vasantika Vamana.
If we see the literal meaning of Vamana, then it is to ‘vomit’. The stomach can be cleaned by vomiting, but if the defect is sitting in the skin or if someone has diabetes, then its defects are affecting the pancreas, then in such a condition, it is necessary to take them out of those places and bring them into the stomach, only then it is possible to get them out. Therefore, before performing the Vamana karma, some Purvakarma are performed. First of all, the patient or a healthy person who is willing to vomit, after examining his appetite and disease, the appropriate medicines are carefully selected for vomiting. Vamana karma starts with 3 to 5 days of Deepana-Paachana, in which the appetite of the person is made normal or better with Hingvashtak churna, Chitrakadi Vati or any other suitable medicine. After that, the person who wants to undergo Vamana, is given Ghee or other Sneha every day. In this, 30 ml Sneha is given on the first day, increasing the quantity daily and giving ghee for 5-7 days. On the last day the volume reaches about 180-200 ml. On getting the symptoms of proper oleation, consumption of ghee is stopped and on the next day abhyanga and swedana of the whole body is done.
On the same day at night, the patient or a healthy person is given such a diet that helps expels Kapha. In general, things such as curd rice, Dahi Vada, Rabri are fed. The next day i.e on day of Vamana at around 6 o’clock in the morning, again abhyanga and swedana of the whole body is done. Then the patient is made to sit on the proper seat and make him vomit with milk or sugarcane juice followed by some medicines.
Vomiting is usually a painful action, but in Vamana due to use of certain medicines like Madanaphala and the way Vamana is done, this action becomes easier and less complicated to a great extent and after this action the patient does not feel any fatigue or weakness. A person is able to go home on his own after vomiting and is able to do all his normal activities. However, according to the changes that take place in the body after Vamana karma, a person needs to follow a specific diet plan for 3 to 5 days, which improves strength and digestion power. This is called Samsarjan Krama in ayurveda.
Vamana karma is one of the main healing methods in Panchakarma. Along with its many benefits, caution is also necessary in this method. Even though this therapy may seem easy at first, still never try to do it yourself at home. Taking care of the things prescribed by the doctor makes this treatment easier. Snehapana means drinking ghee is an important part of this method, during which it is right to give up things like eating excess food, excessive traveling, sleeping during the day, awakening at night, having sex, being mentally unwell, etc. Apart from this, after Abhyanga Swedana, sitting under a fan, walking on a bike in the open air, taking bath with cold water, consuming cold drinks, etc., these things should not be done. The real effect of Vamana Karma becomes visible after the process of Samsarjana. Therefore, it is very important to follow the Samsarjana i.e. the diet plan that the doctor tells after vomiting, otherwise, some complications of Vaman karma may also arise. The do’s and don’ts should be continued for twice the number of days in which the Vamana karma is performed. Like every year, Faculty of Indian Medical System, SGT University is going to organize Vasantika Vamana camp this year. This camp will start from 1st March 2022 till 30th April 2022. If any diseased or healthy person is willing to get his Vamana done, then he can come to the Ayurveda Hospital built in the university and consult a doctor in the Panchakarma OPD and get more information related to Vasantika Vamana.
Author – Dr. Swapnil Auti, associate professor
Department of Panchakarma, Faculty of Indian Medical System, SGT University