20 research papers presented an international conference by Agriculture Science at SGT University
SGT Times Reporter
Gurugram, June
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in collaboration with the Society for Academic Research for Rural Development (SARRD) and ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal organized an International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Biological and Applied Sciences (RAIBAS-2022) from June 14 to 16.
The conference was inaugurated by Dr. Devender Kumar Yadava, Assistant Director-General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. In his inaugural address, Dr. Yadava informed about the policies of the central government for agriculture and farmers’ welfare. The central government is taking a keen interest in doubling farmers’ income by providing inputs at subsidized rates, providing market access to farmers’ produce, minimum support for crops, and many more schemes to increase the farmers’ income.
On the occasion, Prof. OP Kalra, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Vikas Dhawan, PVC (Academic), Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Kumar, Dean Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Dr. R.K. Yadav, Head of Soil and Crop Management, ICAR-CSSRI Dr. Juniya Onishi, Project Leader Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Japan, and his team, Dr. Nitin Tanwar, President, SARRD were present there.
A total of 120 delegates were present physically at the conference and about 130 participants joined virtually.
Dr. Samunder Singh, President, International Weed Science Society, USA and Director (Agronomy), Minor Irrigation Command Area Development Authority (MICADA) was the keynote speaker. Dr. Singh in his speech addressed the management of irrigation and weeds. He recommended that farmers have to follow integrated weed management instead of chemical weed control. Sprinkler and drip irrigation methods are the need of the hour to save water, which has become a scarce natural resource.
During the technical session, Japanese researchers, ICAR, and Haryana Agricultural University scientists and teachers of SGT University presented 20 research papers.
The presentations were about the management of saline and sodic soils by use of Japanese technology, a cut-soiler machine. It was revealed that the cut-soiler was able to collect rice straw and put it into the soil at a depth of 45-50 cm. It provided twin benefits, firstly the rice straw was managed and incorporated as organic matter in the soil, and secondly, it improved infiltration of the soil due to better soil structure, thereby helping to leach salts below the root zone. The technology-improved yield under saline conditions and most importantly incorporated crop residues in soil, improving its fertility and productivity and reducing the environmental pollution caused by the burning of rice straw.
On occasion, the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences highlighted its research and demonstration on millets, commercial horticulture, mushroom cultivation, agriculture waste management, floriculture and landscaping, apiculture, and organic farming.
The delegates appreciated the hydroponic unit established on its campus. Students manage all these skill development and entrepreneurship modules. The unique cafeteria of medicinal plants, vegetables, floriculture, and field crops is the specialty of SGT University.
The participation of young researchers, postgraduate scholars, and students was noteworthy.
The conference provided a great opportunity for young scientists to plant their future work in the area of their specialization and contribute to the sustainable development of biological and allied sciences.
On the second and third day, papers were presented on a statistical analysis of research experimental data. Speakers emphasized selecting a proper experimental design to make logical conclusions about their studies.
The conference was concluding with the following major recommendations:
The resource conservation and salinity management technology developed at ICAR-CSSRI, Karnal seems to be promising and therefore, it should be demonstrated in the farmers’ fields for its wider applicability at the stakeholders’ level.
Cut-soiler equipment imported from Japan showed promise to manage rice straw at all locations of experimentation. However, it is required to be modified for Indian conditions and to bring down its cost, which is at present very high.
Using the right statistical design of research experiments and meaningful analysis of data is very important for making logical conclusions.
It was noted that more than 50% of the research papers were presented by young scientists and postgraduate students, which showed their interest in research and science.
The conference ended with a valedictory function which was presided over by Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Kumar, Dean. The session reports for three days were presented by the Chairmen of each session. Awards were given for best oral presentation and best poster presentation. The recipients of awards from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, SGT University were Dr. Meenakshi Kumari, Pooja Upadhyay, Heena, and Neha Sharma. The students who were judged winners are Mr. Anshul Phogaut