The Department of Public Health Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University in collaboration with Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences organized a dental checkup and treatment camp
The Department of Public Health Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and SGT Publicity Team organized a dental checkup and treatment camp in the extension of the month-long celebration activities on the occasion of World Oral Health Day, 2023. The camp was organized on Wednesday, 12th April 2023 at Sarai Village, Gurugram.
The dental team was headed by Dr. Charu Khurana (Reader, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry) along with 1 postgraduate student Dr. Sakshi (Dept. of Orthodontics), and 6 BDS Interns Ishan, Mumtaz, Ragini, Mansi, Diksha, Livanshi and attendant Mr. Sunil from PHDPh.D. department. Oral health screening of 50 individuals including 14 males and 36 females from different age groups was conducted. A total of 11 patients were provided basic treatment which included oral prophylaxis and restorations in the mobile dental van at the campsite. Positive feedback was obtained from many patients post-treatment. However, patients requiring complex treatment were referred to SGT dental college. The patients got ample opportunities to interact with the dental surgeons to enquire and gain knowledge concerning oral diseases. All the needy patients were provided with an oral hygiene kit consisting of toothpaste, tooth brush, and mouthwash along with basic medicines and Information, Education, and communication material on the importance of Oral Health, Common dental problems, prevention, and Ill effects of tobacco consumption. Brushing techniques were also demonstrated to all the attendees of the camp. The interns appreciated the opportunity provided to them and expressed their willingness to participate in future activities conducted by the department. The villagers also expressed
gratitude and appreciated the efforts of the dental team.