Research, innovation appreciable if original and impactful : Dr. Joshi
Radhika Rai
Gurugram, May 14
A talk and interactive session was organised today on the topic Bridging…A New Way of Managing Innovation for Societal Impact by Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Joshi. Deputy CEO, BrahMos Aerospace.
The Program was presided by the Honourable member Governing Body, Sh. Amrit Chawla, Provost , SGTU Mr. Amogh Rai , PVC, SGT University Dr. Vikas Dhawan, Director Sanrachna ( Think Tank of SGTU), Shree Krishna ji and Director Outreach, Sanrachna Sh. Rajneesh Wadhwa .
The program began with a formal welcome of the guests by the Master of Ceremony Dr. Radhika Rai.
The guest speaker was welcomed by Sh. Rajneesh Wadhwa with a sappling.
The guest speaker was then presented with a Memento by Dr. Vikas Dhawan and Shree Krishna jee.
The entire team of organisers encompassing Dr. Bharti Raina & Mr. Rishabh ensured a smooth functioning of the program.
Dr. Joshi delivered a mesmerising talk .
Dr. Joshi highlighted the importance of ‘Problem Statement’ before embarking upon the journey of any research.
He said that problem statement should be justifiable and propose to fill a void for
the Government and the Industry.
Dr. Joshi also talked on the concept of ‘Mind to Market ‘ stressing upon the fact any research and innovation is appreciable as long as it is original, disruptive and impactful and creates a niche for itself in the market .
Dr. Joshi who has been one of the seniormost scientists at DRDO indeed gave beautiful insights n showed videos of missiles which were a rare treat to watch for the audience .
After the talk , there was an interactive session in which faculty members asked their curiosities and the speaker was humble enough to answer them to their satisfaction.
In the end , a Vote of Thanks was proposed by Sh. Rajneesh Wadhwa .