Faculty of Indian Medical System, SGT University conducts’ a workshop on Vasantika Vamana
Jagriti Uppal
Gurugram, March 7
Department of Panchakarma, Faculty of Indian medical system, SGT University conducted a workshop on Vasantika Vamana. The workshop began with lamp lighting and Dhanvantari Pujan by Pro-Chancellor Dr. R.C. Kuhad and Dean FIMS Head department of Panchakarma Dr. Pankaja Savanur, and other heads of the departments along with administrative staff and associate professors. Speaker highlighted the event details and also stated the importance of Vasantika Vamana for the maintenance of health and cure of diseases. Dr. R.C. kuhad motivated all the participants of the workshop for active involvement and also emphasized the health benefits of Vamana and other Panchakarma therapies. Dean FIMS Dr. Prasanna Savanur encouraged faculty members and patients present for the inauguration to get themselves enrolled for the Vasantika Vamana and shared his experiences regarding the importance and utility of Vamana. A total of 30 participants, consultants, faculty members of FIMS, and patients attended the event.