SGT University Organises Quiz On Radiology
The two – days event to mark “World Radiology Day 2021” was organized by SGT University, Gurugram, on Monday. This event was organized by the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, in collaboration with Advanced Stomato-Diagnostician, and the Faculty of Dental Sciences.
An oral radiology quiz was also conducted to test the knowledge of the students. A total of 40 students participated in the quiz, out of which 3 students won the quiz.
Dr Komal Sharma, Assistant Professor of the Department of OMR, said that many students and faculty members showed their keen interest and actively participated in the event.
Moreover, Dr Shantanu informed the participants that a Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence in Oral & Maxillofacial Radiology and 3D Printing” by Dr Suresh Ludhwani (Maxillofacial Radiologist and 3D- Printing Specialist) will be organized tomorrow.