The Department of Public Health Dentistry organizes an Oral health check-up and Treatment Camp at Damdama Lake, Haryana
. The activity was organized under the guidance of Dr. Shourya Tandon (Associate Dean and Prof. and Head). The Dental team was headed by Dr. Ankita Yadav (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry) along with 2 postgraduate students Dr. Kushagar (Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics), Dr Zewab (Dept. of Oral Surgery) with 6 interns Diksha, Livanshi, Asha, Fiza, Mohini and Mumtaz and Mr. Sunil (Attendant) accompanied us. Oral health checkup of a total of 72 individuals were carried out including 36 males and 36 females. Of these, 19 patients were provided professional cleaning of teeth in the Mobile Dental Van of SGT University. Positive feedback was obtained from many patients post-treatment. However rigorous cases requiring complex treatment were referred to SGT Dental Hospital, Gurugram. Medicines and Oral Hygiene aids such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash were also distributed among the attendees of the dental camp. Along with the screening, a health talk was also delivered on the importance of Oral Health, Oral hygiene practices, and adverse oral habits. Patients who disclosed a history of tobacco use, whether through smoking or chewing, received comprehensive explanations regarding its detrimental effects, not only on their own well-being but also on the health of their loved ones in close proximity. They were motivated to quit tobacco. They were also informed how every year World No Tobacco Day is Celebrated on 31st May. Additionally, they were informed about the importance of making a commitment on this occasion to distance themselves from this detrimental habit. The villagers collectively showed their appreciation to the dental team for their dedicated efforts in ensuring the triumph of the Oral health Drive. With the involvement of every single member of the dental team and their enormous efforts, the motive of the dental camp was achieved to its maximum.