Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) new membership drive on Monday, marking the beginning of what the party hopes will be another significant expansion of its ranks. The event was held at the BJP headquarters and was attended by key party leaders, including BJP President JP Nadda, Union Ministers Rajnath Singh and Amit Shah.
The drive, which aims to renew current memberships and attract new members, is a constitutional requirement for the party. Both JP Nadda and Amit Shah expressed optimism that the BJP will surpass the 10 crore member milestone achieved in 2014.
During his address, PM Modi emphasized the significance of the drive, stating, “Today, we are launching another phase of ‘Sadasyata Abhiyan.’ From the days of the Bhartiya Jana Sangh to now, we have worked diligently to foster a new political culture in India.” He highlighted that the BJP is unique in its adherence to democratic processes and its ability to meet the expectations of the public.
“The political party that wields power must uphold democratic values internally; otherwise, it risks the issues faced by several other parties today,” Modi noted. He stressed that this membership drive is more than a numerical goal; it represents an ideological and emotional expansion of the party.
Reflecting on past struggles, Modi recounted, “During the Jana Sangh era, our workers used to paint lamps on walls with great fervor. Despite criticism from other leaders, we remained steadfast, believing that the lotus we painted on walls would one day be emblazoned on hearts.”
The Prime Minister also touched upon the party’s commitment to gender representation, stating, “This membership drive and organizational structure coincide with a significant period where a 33% reservation for women in state assemblies and the Lok Sabha is being discussed. I ask whether this drive will include those who can ensure maximum representation for women in these critical positions.”
With this launch, the BJP aims to expand its membership base and deepen its ideological and emotional connection with its supporters.