The Department of Continuing Nursing Education organizes an Expert talk on “Respectful Maternity Care: Opportunities and Challenges”
The Department of Continuing Nursing Education, Faculty of Nursing, SGT University
organized an Expert talk on “Respectful Maternity Care: Opportunities and Challenges” on 1st
June 2023 by Dr. Himanshu Bhushan, Head of Public Administration division, NHSRC and
Former Deputy Commissioner and Head, Maternal Health Division, MOHFW, Govt. of
India. Prof. Dr. Pity Koul, Dean Faculty of Nursing delivered the welcome address and
chaired the session. The event was coordinated by Ms. Deepak Associate Professor, Faculty
of Nursing. The event began with the traditional auspicious lamp-lighting ceremony. During
the session, Dr. Himanshu Bhushan explained the importance of Respectful Maternity Care
and the role of Nurses in providing women-centric maternal care. Being an expert on national
Policymaking in PH and Maternal Health, Dr. Himanshu Bhushan highlighted the effective
strategies for implementing respectful maternity care at all levels of care. The session was
very interactive and highly appreciated by the student