Onsite Skill Standardization and Simulation Training at SGT University
SGT Times Reporter
Gurugram, February 7
National Reference Simulation Centre (NRSC) and Faculty of Nursing, SGT University is conducting training in collaboration with Indian Nursing Council (INC) and United Nation Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) with the 18 midwifery faculties on Capacity Building of Midwifery Faculty Module-II.
The five-day-long training started on Monday. Faculties from the different nursing colleges and institutions of different states of India and one International Midwifery Educator from Auckland (New Zeeland), Alicia Ferguson, have joined this training.
“This is a five-day training for the faculties on the obstetrics and gynaecological skills and simulation methodology as well. The participants would get a chance to learn different skills and simulation techniques from experts of SGT University and Indian Nursing Council followed by hands-on practice on the same,” said Anu Grover, Director, NRSC, SGT University, Gurugram.
The inauguration session started with the introduction of the participants, followed by an address from President Indian Nursing Council Dr. T Dileep Kumar, K. S. Bharti, Joint Secretary, Indian Nursing Council, and Anu Grover, Director NRSC, SGT University.