SGT University signs MoU with Indian Agricultural Research Institute for seed production
SGT University signed MoU with Indian Agricultural Research Institute for seed production. Due to this, now the university can produce seeds and sell them to farmers and PUSA Institute. SGT University is the first university in India with which Indian Agricultural Research Institute has signed MoU. During the signing ceremony, Dr. Viswanathan Chinnusani, Joint Director of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Dr. Gyanendra Singh, in-charge of the Seed Production Unit, and Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Pro-Chancellor, Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture and Dr. Vinod Kumar Asati, Head of Horticulture was present on behalf of SGT University. Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma says that the Indian Agricultural Research Institute will provide nuclear and breeder seeds to SGT University. After this university foundation can make seed and sell it to farmers and Pusa Institute, it will be the job of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute to determine whether the source is of good quality.